9.2 KB

  1. # -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
  2. from __future__ import absolute_import
  3. from __future__ import division
  4. from __future__ import print_function
  5. import os
  6. import re
  7. import sys
  8. sys.path.insert(0, ".")
  9. import time
  10. # from paddlehub.common.logger import logger
  11. # from paddlehub.module.module import moduleinfo, runnable, serving
  12. import cv2
  13. import numpy as np
  14. # import paddlehub as hub
  15. from tools.infer.utility import base64_to_cv2
  16. from tools.infer.predict_system import TextSystem
  17. class OCRSystem:
  18. def __init__(self, use_gpu=False, enable_mkldnn=False):
  19. """
  20. initialize with the necessary elements
  21. """
  22. from deploy.hubserving.ocr_system.params import read_params
  23. cfg = read_params()
  24. cfg.use_gpu = use_gpu
  25. if use_gpu:
  26. try:
  27. _places = os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]
  28. int(_places[0])
  29. print("use gpu: ", use_gpu)
  30. print("CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: ", _places)
  31. cfg.gpu_mem = 8000
  32. except:
  33. raise RuntimeError(
  34. "Environment Variable CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES is not set correctly. If you wanna use gpu, please set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES via export CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=cuda_device_id."
  35. )
  36. cfg.ir_optim = True
  37. cfg.enable_mkldnn = enable_mkldnn
  38. self.text_sys = TextSystem(cfg)
  39. def read_images(self, paths=[]):
  40. images = []
  41. for img_path in paths:
  42. assert os.path.isfile(
  43. img_path), "The {} isn't a valid file.".format(img_path)
  44. img = cv2.imread(img_path)
  45. if img is None:
  46. print("error in loading image:{}".format(img_path))
  47. continue
  48. images.append(img)
  49. return images
  50. def predict(self, images=[], paths=[], **kwargs):
  51. """
  52. Get the chinese texts in the predicted images.
  53. Args:
  54. images (list(numpy.ndarray)): images data, shape of each is [H, W, C]. If images not paths
  55. paths (list[str]): The paths of images. If paths not images
  56. Returns:
  57. res (list): The result of chinese texts and save path of images.
  58. """
  59. if images != [] and isinstance(images, list) and paths == []:
  60. predicted_data = images
  61. elif images == [] and isinstance(paths, list) and paths != []:
  62. predicted_data = self.read_images(paths)
  63. else:
  64. raise TypeError("The input data is inconsistent with expectations.")
  65. assert predicted_data != [], "There is not any image to be predicted. Please check the input data."
  66. all_results = []
  67. for img in predicted_data:
  68. # 初始化关键字
  69. self.inv_no = ""
  70. self.inv_id = ""
  71. self.inv_date = ""
  72. self.inv_money = []
  73. self.inv_payee = ""
  74. self.inv_review = ""
  75. self.inv_drawer = ""
  76. self.inv_company = ["", ""]
  77. self.inv_identifier = ["", ""]
  78. if img is None:
  79. print("error in loading image")
  80. all_results.append([])
  81. continue
  82. # 图片预处理
  83. img = self.resizeImg(img, 800)
  84. starttime = time.time()
  85. dt_boxes, rec_res = self.text_sys(img)
  86. elapse = time.time() - starttime
  87. print("Predict time: {}".format(elapse))
  88. dt_num = len(dt_boxes)
  89. rec_res_final = []
  90. text_list = [] # 结果集
  91. for dno in range(dt_num):
  92. text, score = rec_res[dno]
  93. if score > 0.8:
  94. text_list.append(text)
  95. # print(text)
  96. self.getInformation(text, kwargs['invoice_type'])
  97. inv_text = ''.join(text_list)
  98. self.getInformationAgain(inv_text, kwargs['invoice_type'])
  99. all_results.append({
  100. 'no': self.inv_no,
  101. 'id': self.inv_id,
  102. 'date': self.inv_date,
  103. 'money': (max(self.inv_money) if len(self.inv_money) > 0 else ""),
  104. 'payee': self.inv_payee,
  105. 'review': self.inv_review,
  106. 'drawer': self.inv_drawer,
  107. 'company': self.inv_company,
  108. 'identifier': self.inv_identifier
  109. })
  110. return all_results
  111. def getInformationAgain(self, string, invoice_type):
  112. if self.inv_no == "":
  113. pt = re.compile(r'N[\w|\s]?(\d{8})', re.M)
  114. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  115. self.inv_no = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  116. if self.inv_id == "":
  117. if invoice_type == 1:
  118. pt = re.compile(r'(\d{12})N', re.M)
  119. else:
  120. pt = re.compile(r'(\d{10})N', re.M)
  121. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  122. self.inv_id = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  123. if self.inv_company[1] == '':
  124. pt = re.compile(r'称:(.*?)[-*+></\d]?[纳税]', re.M)
  125. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  126. if len(information_list) != 0:
  127. for i in range(len(self.inv_company)):
  128. if self.inv_company[i] == '':
  129. if len(information_list) != 0:
  130. self.inv_company[i] = information_list.pop(0)
  131. if self.inv_payee == "":
  132. pt = re.compile(r'款人:(.*)复', re.M)
  133. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  134. self.inv_payee = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  135. if self.inv_review == "":
  136. pt = re.compile(r'复核:(.*)开', re.M)
  137. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  138. self.inv_review = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  139. if self.inv_drawer == "":
  140. pt = re.compile(r'票人:(.*)', re.M)
  141. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  142. self.inv_drawer = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  143. # 信息关键字提取
  144. def getInformation(self, string, invoice_type):
  145. if self.inv_no == "":
  146. pt = re.compile(r'N[\w]?(\d{8})')
  147. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  148. self.inv_no = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  149. if self.inv_no != "":
  150. return True
  151. if self.inv_id == "":
  152. if invoice_type == 1:
  153. pt = re.compile(r'^\d{12}$')
  154. else:
  155. pt = re.compile(r'^\d{10}$')
  156. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  157. self.inv_id = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  158. if self.inv_id != "":
  159. return True
  160. if self.inv_date == "":
  161. pt = re.compile(r'(\d*年\d*月\d*日)', re.M)
  162. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  163. self.inv_date = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  164. if self.inv_date != "":
  165. return True
  166. if self.inv_payee == "":
  167. pt = re.compile(r'款人:(.*)', re.M)
  168. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  169. self.inv_payee = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  170. if self.inv_payee != "":
  171. return True
  172. if self.inv_review == "":
  173. pt = re.compile(r'复核:(.*)', re.M)
  174. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  175. self.inv_review = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  176. if self.inv_review != "":
  177. return True
  178. if self.inv_drawer == "":
  179. pt = re.compile(r'票人:(.*)', re.M)
  180. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  181. self.inv_drawer = information_list[0] if len(information_list) != 0 else ""
  182. if self.inv_drawer != "":
  183. return True
  184. if self.inv_identifier[1] == '':
  185. pt = re.compile(r'[别号:]?([a-zA-Z\d]{18})$', re.M)
  186. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  187. if len(information_list) != 0:
  188. for i in range(len(self.inv_identifier)):
  189. if self.inv_identifier[i] == '':
  190. self.inv_identifier[i] = information_list[0]
  191. return True
  192. if self.inv_identifier[1] == '':
  193. pt = re.compile(r'称:(.*)', re.M)
  194. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  195. if len(information_list) != 0:
  196. for i in range(len(self.inv_company)):
  197. if self.inv_company[i] == '':
  198. self.inv_company[i] = information_list[0]
  199. return True
  200. pt = re.compile(r'(\d*\.\d*)')
  201. information_list = pt.findall(string)
  202. if len(information_list) != 0:
  203. self.inv_money.append(float(information_list[0]))
  204. return True
  205. # 固定尺寸
  206. def resizeImg(self, image, height=900):
  207. h, w = image.shape[:2]
  208. pro = height / h
  209. size = (int(w * pro), int(height))
  210. img = cv2.resize(image, size)
  211. return img
  212. if __name__ == '__main__':
  213. ocr = OCRSystem()
  214. image_path = [
  215. './doc/imgs/11.jpg',
  216. './doc/imgs/12.jpg',
  217. ]
  218. res = ocr.predict(paths=image_path)
  219. print(res)